Joseph D'Agnese

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Free Indieconf tix

In 9 days, Denise and I will be presenting two talks at indieconf — “the conference for web professionals” — in Raleigh, North Carolina.

We did one talk last year and had a blast. The attendees were drawn from a mix of different professions but they were all somehow connected to web work.

Oh, and they were largely a group of freelancers. That’s key for my wife/coauthor and I because we’ve been freelancing for more than a dozen years and have published The Money Book for Freelancers, published by Random House.

Last year, our indieconf talk focused on things freelancers can do to take their finances to a new level. This year we’re switching it up and talking about how you can become a freelance money geek. 

What’s the diff? Well, we’ve noticed in the last year that a lot of people fail to grow their net worth as freelancers because they don’t really get jazzed about money. Don’t misunderstand this: Everyone loves money. They love having it. They love spending it.

But unless you’re an accountant, investment geek, or a financial obsessive, you’re probably not in love with the concept of finances. That lack of enthusiasm can lead you to make some mistakes, such as not investing regularly or not sending out invoices in a timely manner.

Our talk, entitled “How to Be a Freelance Money Geek,” is going to try to give you some basic tips for how you can warm up to the idea of interacting with your money on a regular basis.

The second talk, entitled “Publishing As Marketing,” will tell people how they can harness the self-publishing revolution to build their businesses. Most people are aware that they can easily publish an ebook today. But the excitement around doing this tends to focus on genre fiction. Everyone wants to crank out the next sci-fi/fantasy classic or some work of mystery, horror or romance. That’s fine. I’ve done it myself and will continue to do so. It’s fun.

But if you’re running your own business, you could tap your expertise and publish a book that will establish your credibility on a topic, grow your outreach list, and establish a new revenue stream. We’ll show you what we mean in this talk.

Tickets to indieconf are going fast. As I write this, you have 9 hours and change to sign up for the early bird rate of $129. After that, you have to pay $149 for this one-day event. 

The organizers of the event have given us EIGHT FREE tickets. So if you’re interested, here’s what you can do.

Broadcast this post via Facebook or Twitter. (Grab the 140-character insta-Tweet below)

Send me a note via email that you’ve done so. (Grab the email on my contact page.)

This is a first-come, first-served offer. Beyond giving these two talks, neither Denise nor I are affiliated with indieconf. We don’t get a dime of your conference fee, should you choose to attend. We just think it’s a well-run conference put together by some very fun people. We hope you’ll be able to join us, hopefully free of charge!

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#Freelancers: author @JosephDAgnese is giving away free tix to @indieconf! How to get one:

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