Joseph D'Agnese

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Fibonacci Day

I have a post up on SleuthSayers today, which is the day after Thanksgiving here in the United States. Since it’s been a busy week, I’m repurposing a post I wrote back in 2010 for another site. I’ve always liked this article, and I’m glad to have reclaimed it and updated it slightly for a new audience. Here’s how it opens:

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the United States. But if you happen to be an American mathematician, yesterday was more than just turkey and families. It was Fibonacci Day, so named because the month and date—in American notation, anyway—expressed the first four digits in the famous number sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3. (Oh, to have been alive on 11/23/58!) To talk about that, I’m repurposing an article I wrote years ago for a website that has since gone dark.

From there, I talk about how I came to write my children’s picture book about Fibonacci. I’ll be back on this site in a few days to talk more about Fibonacci. In the meantime, please do check out the post, which is entitled:

The Holiday for Math Geeks Hidden in November!

Considering the year I’ve had, shuttling back and forth to various doctors for follow-treatments, it’s especially important to mention a charity that has only recently come to my attention, thanks to writer pal, Robert Swartwood.

Back in 2018, writer Duane Swierczynski lost his daughter Evie to cancer. Duane and his family has since created The Team Evie Foundation, which holds an annual book drive to benefit the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Many kids who go through cancer treatment are so immunocompromised that they are not able to leave the hospital until their treatment is over. They need books, games, and other forms of entertainment to see them through.

Five indie bookstores (and Amazon) maintain wish lists of titles approved by the hospital, which you can buy direct from the store websites. (One of the indies can only handle in-person orders.) Survey the list of stores and books at the Team Evie events page. If you make a purchase at one of the indies, they will ship to the hospital. If you buy via Amazon, you will need to enter the hospital’s address for shipment. (Details at the Team Evie link above.) The drive closes December 4th.

Please note: This is not an invitation to donate books you have lying around the house. And if you’re a writer, it’s not an invitation to donate books you personally have written to the hospital. The books must be new, and selected from the approved list. Please follow the rules, if you choose to donate.

Credits: All images from my Fibonacci book are by illustrator John O’Brien, copyright 2010.