Joseph D'Agnese

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Denise on TV!

Denise on TV!

We’re back home for a few days. Denise’s talk and book signing in Oak Ridge, the city where The Girls of Atomic City is based, went exactly as you might expect. Heavily attended at the local Museum of Science and Energy. After her talk, people waited an hour-and-a-half in line to get their books autographed. The little museum bookshop sold out their stock of 100 books and some ladies drove 30 miles round-trip to the B&N in nearby Knoxville to get more copies.

The unexpected thing was seeing people leaving Denise’s table once getting their books signed, and then asking the 80- to 90-year-old “girls” — the real-life protags of Denise’s book — to sign their books as well.

All well and good. This was the book’s hometown, and I expected as much. I did not expect the following:

Denise on The PBS NewsHour: Watch tomorrow, March 22.

Denise on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Watch March 28.

Denise on Morning Joe on MSNBC: Watch March 29.

This is unprecedented in our experience, believe me. I’ve resisted sharing the deets until they were confirmed. Even so, the nature of TV programming forces me to add the caveat that one or all three of these could easily be cancelled at the last minute. But this is what’s on the books right now. I’ll post the clips if/when they become available.

Yes, we’re excited. And sleepy.

Oak Ridge photo courtesy of D. Ray Smith.