The Maltese Falcon

The Mysterious Flitcraft Parable

The Mysterious Flitcraft Parable

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I am now an official contributor to the mystery writers blog, Sleuthsayers, posting every three weeks.

My latest post is about an unusual anecdote that appears toward the beginning of the great mystery novel, The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett…

Considering the Flitcraft Parable

Natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy make me crazy. Watching people line up again for food, water, gasoline, and clothing practically convinces me that I should run out and start hoarding provisions in a bunker. They really do. I was convinced on Tuesday that I should call a tree service and have them remove every single tree in our yard — so that none of them would ever destroy my house.

I know I’m an insecure guy. I know that’s part of my make-up. What if this editor doesn’t like my story? What if they do? (They must not be any good!) And on and on.

But the recent conversation with my dad — who announced after his recent brush with electrical failure during Hurricane Sandy — that he and mom were moving to California got me thinking of the Flitcraft Parable…